Insurance 101: The Ultimate Glossary of Must-Know Terms

Insurance can feel like a maze of confusing jargon. But understanding the key terms is crucial for making informed decisions about protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. Let's decode the insurance lingo together!

Auto Insurance
Business Insurance
Common Terms You'll Encounter
Disability Insurance
Earthquake Insurance
Flood Insurance
General Insurance Terms
Health Insurance
Home Insurance
Life Insurance
Long-Term Care Insurance
Pet Insurance
Product Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Renters Insurance
The Basics
Travel Insurance
Types of Insurance
Umbrella Insurance
Workers' Compensation
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Crawl Space

An enclosed area under a building that is not excavated to the full depth of a basement and is usually less than 3 feet high.

Flood Insurance

Critical Facilities

Buildings that are essential for emergency response, public health and safety, or economic recovery after a flood event. Examples include hospitals, fire stations, and power plants.

Flood Insurance

Cumulative Damage Building

A building that has suffered multiple flood-related damages totaling its fair market value.

Flood Insurance

Cumulative Damage Property

A building or its contents that has experienced cumulative damage.

Flood Insurance

Cyber Liability Insurance

Covers losses due to data breaches, cyberattacks, and other technology-related risks.

Business Insurance

Daily Benefit

The amount the policy pays per day for covered long-term care services.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Date of Construction

The date the building permit was issued, if construction started within six months of the permit date.

Flood Insurance


A reference point used to measure elevation.

Flood Insurance

Death Benefit

The amount paid to beneficiaries upon the insured's death.

Life Insurance

Death Benefits

Provides financial support to the family of an employee who dies as a result of a work-related injury or illness.

Workers' Compensation


The first part of the contract, containing information derived from the insurance application, which provides the information for rating risk.

General Insurance Terms


The amount you agree to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. A higher deductible usually means a lower premium.

The Basics


Typically a percentage of your dwelling coverage limit, rather than a fixed dollar amount.

Earthquake Insurance


You'll typically have a deductible for collision and comprehensive coverage. This is the amount you'll pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in.

Auto Insurance


A deductible is the amount you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance company will start paying for a claim.

Home Insurance


You'll typically have a deductible for both dwelling and personal property coverage. This is the amount you'll pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in.

Home Insurance

Depth Grid

A digital grid that defines geographic space as an array of equally sized square cells arranged in rows and columns. The value in each cell represents the flood depth at that location.

Flood Insurance

Described Location

The address of the insured property.

Flood Insurance

Design Defects

Covers claims for injuries or damage caused by a product's faulty design.

Product Liability Insurance


Any human-made alteration to land, including construction or excavation.

Flood Insurance

Diagram Number

A code identifying the building type on an elevation certificate.

Flood Insurance

Direct Physical Loss by or from Flood

Loss of or damage to insured property caused directly by a flood.

Flood Insurance

Direct Premiums

Property/casualty premiums collected by the insurer from policyholders, before reinsurance premiums are deducted.

General Insurance Terms

Direct Writers

Insurance companies that sell directly to the public using exclusive agents or their own employees.

General Insurance Terms

Disability Benefits

Provides wage replacement for employees who are unable to work due to a work-related injury or illness.

Workers' Compensation

Don't Be Afraid to Ask!

If you come across an insurance term you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask your insurance agent or company. They are there to help you navigate the complexities of insurance. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your financial well-being.

Pro Tip: Always read your insurance policy carefully and ask questions to ensure you have the right coverage for your specific needs and circumstances.