Insurance 101: The Ultimate Glossary of Must-Know Terms

Insurance can feel like a maze of confusing jargon. But understanding the key terms is crucial for making informed decisions about protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. Let's decode the insurance lingo together!

Auto Insurance
Business Insurance
Common Terms You'll Encounter
Disability Insurance
Earthquake Insurance
Flood Insurance
General Insurance Terms
Health Insurance
Home Insurance
Life Insurance
Long-Term Care Insurance
Pet Insurance
Product Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Renters Insurance
The Basics
Travel Insurance
Types of Insurance
Umbrella Insurance
Workers' Compensation
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Excess and Surplus Lines

Property/casualty coverage that isn’t available from insurers licensed by the state and must be purchased from a non-admitted carrier.

General Insurance Terms


Specific situations or events that your insurance policy won't cover.

Common Terms You'll Encounter


Homeowners insurance does not cover everything. Some common exclusions include flood damage,earthquake damage, and wear and tear.

Home Insurance

Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management

A presidential order directing federal agencies to manage floodplains.

Flood Insurance

Existing Construction

Buildings constructed before the effective date of the applicable flood map.

Flood Insurance

Expense Ratio

Percentage of each premium dollar that goes to insurers’ expenses including overhead, marketing, and commissions.

General Insurance Terms


Record of losses.

General Insurance Terms

Expiration Date

The end date of an insurance policy.

Flood Insurance

Explanation of Benefits (EOB)

A statement from your health insurer detailing the services you received, the amount billed, the amount covered, and the amount you owe.

Common Terms You'll Encounter


Possibility of loss.

General Insurance Terms

Extended Coverage

An endorsement added to an insurance policy that provides additional coverage for risks other than those in a basic policy.

General Insurance Terms

Facultative Reinsurance

A reinsurance policy that provides an insurer with coverage for specific individual risks that are unusual or so large that they aren’t covered in the insurance company’s reinsurance treaties.

General Insurance Terms

Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plans (Fair Plans)

Insurance pools that sell property insurance to people who can’t buy it in the voluntary market because of high risk over which they may have no control.

General Insurance Terms

Fair Market Value

The agreed-upon price for a property in a typical sale.

Flood Insurance

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

The federal agency that oversees the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Flood Insurance

Federal Policy Fee

An administrative fee charged for each flood insurance policy.

Flood Insurance

Federal Reserve Board

Seven-member board that supervises the banking system by issuing regulations controlling bank holding companies and federal laws over the banking industry.

General Insurance Terms


Earth material used to raise ground level, subject to regulations.

Flood Insurance

Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement

Agreement between an insurance company and FEMA for participating in the Write Your Own (WYO) program.

Flood Insurance

Finished (Habitable) Area

An enclosed space with finished walls, used for purposes other than storage or parking.

Flood Insurance


A wall designed to contain or seal off fires in a building.

General Insurance Terms

First-Party Claim

A claim made by the policyholder against their own insurance company.

General Insurance Terms

First-party Coverage

Coverage for the policyholder’s own property or person. In no-fault auto insurance it pays for the cost of injuries.

Types of Insurance


Attached to a homeowners policy, a floater insures movable property, covering losses wherever they may occur.

Types of Insurance


Overflowing water or mudflow causing temporary inundation of land.

Flood Insurance

Don't Be Afraid to Ask!

If you come across an insurance term you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask your insurance agent or company. They are there to help you navigate the complexities of insurance. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your financial well-being.

Pro Tip: Always read your insurance policy carefully and ask questions to ensure you have the right coverage for your specific needs and circumstances.