Insurance 101: The Ultimate Glossary of Must-Know Terms

Insurance can feel like a maze of confusing jargon. But understanding the key terms is crucial for making informed decisions about protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. Let's decode the insurance lingo together!

Auto Insurance
Business Insurance
Common Terms You'll Encounter
Disability Insurance
Earthquake Insurance
Flood Insurance
General Insurance Terms
Health Insurance
Home Insurance
Life Insurance
Long-Term Care Insurance
Pet Insurance
Product Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Renters Insurance
The Basics
Travel Insurance
Types of Insurance
Umbrella Insurance
Workers' Compensation
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Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM)

A map that identifies areas subject to flooding and designates floodways to protect against increased flood hazards.

Flood Insurance

Flood Elevation Study

A technical study that determines flood elevations for a specific area.

Flood Insurance

Flood Hazard Area

An area susceptible to flooding.

Flood Insurance

Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM)

A map identifying general flood-prone areas.

Flood Insurance

Flood Hazards of Special Concern

Unique flood risks like tsunamis, dam breaks, and mudflows.

Flood Insurance

Flood In Progress

A flood currently occurring.

Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance

Covers damage to your home or property caused by flooding.

Types of Insurance

Flood Insurance

Coverage for flood damage is available from the federal government under the National Flood Insurance Program but is sold by licensed insurance agents.

Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance Claims Office (FICO)

A temporary NFIP claims office established after a major flood event.

Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)

A map that identifies flood-prone areas and risk levels.

Flood Insurance

Flood Insurance Study (FIS)

A technical study conducted by FEMA to determine flood risks in a community.

Flood Insurance

Flood Loss

Financial damage caused by a flood event.

Flood Insurance

Flood Map

A map showing flood-prone areas, risk levels, and flood boundaries.

Flood Insurance

Flood Proofing

Modifications made to a building to prevent floodwater from entering.

Flood Insurance

Flood Response Office (FRO)

A local office assisting with flood insurance claims after a disaster.

Flood Insurance

Flood Zone

A geographic area with a designated flood risk level, which determines the flood insurance rates.

Flood Insurance

Flood Zone Designation

The classification of a property based on its flood risk, such as A, AE, AO, AH, X, etc.

Flood Insurance

Flood-Related Erosion

Land erosion caused by unusually high water levels or severe storms.

Flood Insurance


The channel of a river or stream that is required to carry a flood discharge of a specified magnitude.

Flood Insurance


A list of prescription drugs covered by your health insurance plan.

Health Insurance


Intentional lying or concealment by policyholders to obtain payment of an insurance claim that would otherwise not be paid.

General Insurance Terms


The vertical distance between the design flood water elevation and the lowest horizontal structural member of a building.

Flood Insurance

Gap Insurance

Covers the difference between what you owe on your car loan and what your car is actually worth. This is especially useful for new cars that depreciate quickly.

Auto Insurance


Structures used for vehicle storage, often attached to homes.

Flood Insurance

General Flood Area

An area that is outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area but is still subject to flooding.

Flood Insurance

Don't Be Afraid to Ask!

If you come across an insurance term you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask your insurance agent or company. They are there to help you navigate the complexities of insurance. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your financial well-being.

Pro Tip: Always read your insurance policy carefully and ask questions to ensure you have the right coverage for your specific needs and circumstances.