Insurance 101: The Ultimate Glossary of Must-Know Terms

Insurance can feel like a maze of confusing jargon. But understanding the key terms is crucial for making informed decisions about protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. Let's decode the insurance lingo together!

Auto Insurance
Business Insurance
Common Terms You'll Encounter
Disability Insurance
Earthquake Insurance
Flood Insurance
General Insurance Terms
Health Insurance
Home Insurance
Life Insurance
Long-Term Care Insurance
Pet Insurance
Product Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Renters Insurance
The Basics
Travel Insurance
Types of Insurance
Umbrella Insurance
Workers' Compensation
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Collision Coverage

Pays for damage to your own vehicle due to a collision with another vehicle or object, regardless of who is at fault. This can include repairs, replacement, or reimbursement for the actual cash value of your car.

Auto Insurance

Commercial Auto Insurance

Covers vehicles owned by a business for business use.

Business Insurance


A political entity, such as a city, town, or township, that has authority to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations as a requirement of participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Flood Insurance

Community Assistance Visit (CAV)

An on-site review by FEMA to assess a community's floodplain management practices and provide technical assistance.

Flood Insurance

Community Compliance Program

FEMA's program to assist communities in meeting NFIP floodplain management requirements.

Flood Insurance

Community Number

A unique identifier assigned to each NFIP community.

Flood Insurance

Community Rating System (CRS)

A FEMA program rewarding communities for exceeding minimum floodplain management standards.

Flood Insurance

Compensatory Storage

The practice of maintaining open space in flood-prone areas to absorb excess water.

Flood Insurance

Comprehensive Coverage

Covers damage to your vehicle from incidents other than collisions, such as:some text

  • Theft: If your car is stolen, this coverage can help pay for its replacement.
  • Vandalism: If your car is damaged by vandalism, comprehensive coverage can help cover the repair costs.
  • Natural Disasters: If your car is damaged by a hail storm, flood, or falling tree, comprehensive can help cover the costs.
  • Fire: If your car catches fire, this coverage can help pay for repairs or replacement.
  • Animal Damage: If your car is damaged by an animal (like a deer hitting your car), comprehensive can help.
Auto Insurance

Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)

FEMA's review of a proposed project's potential impact on flood risks.

Flood Insurance


A type of property ownership where individuals own units and share common areas.

Flood Insurance

Condominium Association

An entity managing common areas in a condominium building.

Flood Insurance

Condominium Building

A building with multiple individually owned units sharing common areas.

Flood Insurance

Content Coverage

The portion of a flood insurance policy that covers damage to personal belongings within the insured building.

Flood Insurance

Contents Coverage

Pays to repair or replace your personal belongings in the event of a covered loss.

Renters Insurance

Contents Coverage (Personal Property Coverage)

Covers your belongings inside your home, like furniture, clothing, and electronics. It may have a lower coverage limit than building property coverage.

Flood Insurance

Contract Agent

An insurance agent authorized to sell NFIP policies on behalf of a Write Your Own (WYO) company.

Flood Insurance

Coordination of Benefits (COB)

A process that determines which insurance plan pays first when you have multiple policies.

Health Insurance


A fixed amount you pay for a covered healthcare service, like a doctor visit or prescription.

Common Terms You'll Encounter

Countywide Map

A flood map covering an entire county, including its cities and towns.

Flood Insurance

Coverage Limit

The maximum amount your insurance policy will pay for a covered loss.

Common Terms You'll Encounter

Coverage Limits

Each type of coverage has a limit, which is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay for a covered loss.

Auto Insurance

Coverage Limits

Each type of coverage has a limit, which is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay for a covered loss.

Home Insurance

Coverage limits

The amount of coverage you need will vary depending on the value of your home and your belongings.

Home Insurance

Covered Structure

A building that is covered by a flood insurance policy.

Flood Insurance

Don't Be Afraid to Ask!

If you come across an insurance term you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask your insurance agent or company. They are there to help you navigate the complexities of insurance. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your financial well-being.

Pro Tip: Always read your insurance policy carefully and ask questions to ensure you have the right coverage for your specific needs and circumstances.